Terms and Conditions第1条 適用範囲
第2条 宿泊契約の申し込み
- 宿泊者名
- 宿泊日
- 到着予定時刻
- 宿泊人数
- 宿泊者の年齢
- 部屋タイプ
- 宿泊者の連絡先
- その他当施設が必要と認める事項
- 変更とは、氏名、人数、宿泊日、宿泊数、パッケージのアップグレード、ダウングレード、追加アイテムなどを含みますが、これに限定されるものではありません。
- 宿泊予約のアップグレード、ダウングレードは変更とみなされます。アップグレード、ダウングレードは空き状況によります。
- 当施設はいつでもアップグレード、又は、同等の水準の宿泊施設に変更する権利を有します。
- 宿泊客が変更を申し出た場合、当施設はその申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。キャンセル料発生の対象日に変更をした場合は、キャンセルとみなし、キャンセル規定が優先されます。
第3条 宿泊契約の成立等
第4条 申込金
1. | 夏季宿泊契約(4月1日から11月30日まで) |
1.1. | 1~7泊かつ1部屋以下の予約: |
1.1.1 | チェックイン時に宿泊料金全額をお支払いいただきます。申込金は必要ありません。予約確認書の発行をもって予約確定とします。 |
1.2. | 8泊以上又は2部屋以上の予約 |
1.2.1. | 到着日30日前までの予約: | | 予約申込日より3日以内に宿泊料金の50%に相当する金額を申込金としてお支払いいただきます。当該申込金の支払いをもって予約確定とします。 | | 支払済みの申込金を控除した宿泊料金の残額は到着日の14日前までにお支払いいただきます。 |
1.2.2. | 到着日14日前以降の予約: | | 予約申込時に宿泊料金全額を支払いいただきます。当該支払いをもって予約確定とします。 |
2. | 冬季宿泊契約(12月1日から3月31日まで) |
2.1. |
予約申込時、又はチェックイン時に宿泊料金全額をお支払いいただきます。予約確認書の発行をもって予約確定とします。 同じ氏名で宿泊期間を分けて予約した場合でも、合計宿泊数をもって上記規定を適用します。 予約確定のために予約申込時にクレジットカードによる申込金の支払いを必要とする場合があります。 金額は第1項の規定によります。 第1項及び第2項に規定する支払いがそれぞれの期日までに入金されない場合は、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除(キャンセル)されたものとみなします。 料金はすべて日本円での支払いとなります。他通貨にて表示されている金額は概算となり、決済完了時にクレジットカード会社により金額が確定となります。当施設は、日本円と他通貨の為替差額については責任を負いません。 宿泊料金の支払いは、クレジットカード決済のみとなります。 別段の定めがある場合を除き、宿泊税を含む各種税金等は宿泊料金に含まれません。この各種税金等の金額、税率は予告なく変更となる場合があります。料金や宿泊プラン内容、宿泊約款、利用規約は予告なく変更や終了となる場合があります。すでに予約済の場合には、変更となった場合も予約時のものが適用となります。 |
第5条 宿泊契約締結の拒否
- 宿泊の申し込みが、この約款によらないとき。
- 満室(員)により客室の余裕がないとき。
- 災害その他の緊急事態の発生等により、被災者及び災害復旧担当者等のため優先的に客室を提供すべきことが現実に予定されるなど、前号に準ずる事由のあるとき。
- 宿泊しようとする者が、暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律及び暴力団排除に関する都道府県条例に定める暴力団もしくは暴力団関係団体その他反社会的勢力の構成員又はその関係者であるとき。
- 宿泊しようとする者が、宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
- 宿泊しようとする者が、伝染性の疾病にかかっている者であると明らかに認められるとき。
- 宿泊に関し社会通念上相当な範囲を超えるサービスその他の負担を求められたとき。
- 天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
- 宿泊しようとする者が泥酔している等の理由で他の宿泊客に迷惑を及ぼし、もしくは当施設の運営を阻害するおそれがあるとき、また他の宿泊客や当施設の従業員に対し、著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
- 宿泊しようとする者について、心身の不調が明らかに認められる状態であるとき。
- 保護者の許可のない未成年者のみが宿泊するとき。
- 宿泊する権利を他に譲渡する目的で、宿泊の申込みをしたとき。
- 実際には宿泊する意思がないにもかかわらず、宿泊の申込みをしたとき。
- その他、各種法令又は都道府県条例等の規定する場合に該当するとき。
第6条 宿泊客の契約解除権
第7条 当施設の契約解除権
- 宿泊客が、暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律及び暴力団排除に関する都道府県条例に定める暴力団もしくは暴力団関係団体その他反社会的勢力の構成員又はその関係者であるとき。
- 宿泊客が、当施設内で、暴行、脅迫、恐喝、不当な要求、賭博行為、法令で許可されていない薬物、銃砲、刀剣類及びこれらの類似品の所持もしくは使用、他の利用客に迷惑を及ぼす行為、その他法令もしくは公序良俗に反する行為をし、又はこれらの行為をするおそれがあるとき。
- 宿泊客が伝染性の疾病にかかっている者であると明らかに認められるとき。
- 宿泊に関し合理的な範囲を超えるサービスその他の負担を求められたとき。
- 天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
- 施設内での喫煙、消防用設備等に対するいたずら等、火災予防・防火に支障を及ぼす行為をしたとき。
- 宿泊する権利を譲渡し、又は譲渡しようとしたとき。
- 宿泊契約の締結が旅行代理店を通じてなされている場合において、当該旅行代理店からの宿泊代金の支払いが確認されていないとき。
- この約款又は当施設の利用規約に違反したとき。
- その他、各種法令又は都道府県条例等の規定する宿泊を拒むことができる場合に該当するとき。
前項に基づく解除の通知は、口頭又は第2条に基づき申し出のあった宿泊客の連絡先への電話、電子メール又は書面により行うものとし、当該通知が、第2条に基づき申し出のあった連絡先に通知をしても到達しない場合には、通常到達すべき期間を経過した時点をもって到達したものとみなして取り扱うことができるものとします。 当施設が前2項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、第1項(3)及び(5)の場合を除き、宿泊料金の返還はいたしかねます。
第8条 宿泊の登録
- 宿泊客は、宿泊日当日、当施設のフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
◎国籍、旅券番号、パスポートの写し、前泊地、後泊地、有効なクレジットカード、出発日及び出発予定時刻 その他当施設が必要と認める事項 - 当施設ご利用の際は、チェックインの時点で滞在中の利用料等支払保証の為クレジットカードの詳細をいただきます。保証金のお支払のためのクレジットカードの詳細、ならびに承認ができるまでは客室へのチェックインはできかねます。
第9条 客室の使用時間
第10条 客室の清掃
第11条 宿泊客の責任
第12条 利用規約の遵守
第13条 営業時間
当施設の各種施設等の主な営業時間は、ホテル内備付けパンフレット、各所の掲示、客室内のサービスディレクトリー等でご案内いたします。 前項の施設等の営業時間は、必要やむを得ない場合には臨時に変更することがあります。その場合には、適宜お知らせします。
第14条 料金の支払い
第15条 契約した客室の提供ができないときの取扱い
当施設は、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないとき、宿泊客の了承を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋するものとします。 当施設は、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設の斡旋ができなかったときは、別表2に掲げるところによる違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払います。ただし、客室が提供できないことについての、当施設の責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料を支払いません。
第16条 寄託物等の取扱い
- 荷物は客室内にて保管をお願いします。各客室には金庫が備えられています。
- 当施設は宿泊客が持ち込んだ携行品、貴重品及び現金等について責任を負いかねます。貴重品等は客室内の金庫にて保管してください。
- チェックイン前、チェックアウト後に宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが、不可抗力である場合を除き、当施設は、その損害を賠償します。ただし、現金及び貴重品については、当施設がその種類及び価額の明告を求めた場合であって、宿泊客がそれを行わなかったときは、当施設はその賠償に応じることはできません。
第17条 宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管
第18条 禁煙
第19条 当施設の責任
第20条 駐車の責任
お客様が当施設の駐車場をご利用になる場合、当施設は駐車場所をお貸しするものであって、車両の保管責任まで負うものではありません。 ただし、駐車場の管理に当たり、当施設の故意又は過失によって損害を与えたときは、その賠償の責めに任じます。
第21条 旅行保険と宿泊者の義務
第22条 約款の改定
別表第1 宿泊料金等の内訳
宿泊料金 基本宿泊料金+消費税+ニセコ町の定める宿泊税
追加料金 その他の利用料金+消費税
別表第2 違約金(キャンセル料)
チェックインから15日以上前のキャンセル 全額返金
チェックインから14日以内のキャンセル 宿泊代金の100%
チェックインから8日以前のキャンセル 全額返金
チェックインから3-7日以内のキャンセル 宿泊代金の50%
チェックインの2日以内-当日のキャンセル ご宿泊代金の100%
- チェックイン日からチェックアウト日の間のいずれかの時点で、COVID-19又は感染症蔓延を理由に国境が閉鎖される等、日本への渡航が不可能であり、そのことを証明する公式文書(航空会社の通知書など)があること。
- 冬季(12月1~3月31日)はチェックイン日の30日前までに上記1の理由によるキャンセルの申し出があった場合。
- 夏季(4月1日~11月30日)はチェックイン日の5日前までに上記1の理由によるキャンセルの申し出があった場合。
- 上記以外のキャンセルは、特約事項の対象外となります。当社は、すべての予約者に旅行保険に加入されることを強くお勧めし、上記以外の理由による旅行のキャンセルについては、いかなる責任も負いません。
利用規約 the kamui niseko (2023.9.1)
・12時まで 室料金の20%
・12時以降 室料金の100%
・15時前 室料の100%
- 宿泊を目的としない利用。
- 客室の窓やバルコニー、テラス、プライベートガーデン等に写真、ポスターを貼付、洗濯物、布団、その他当施設の外観を損なう物品を掲示すること。
- バルコニーやテラス、プライベートガーデン等における花火やバーベキュー、それに類した火災の原因となるようなものの使用。
- 暖房用、炊事用の火器及び当施設の貸出品以外のプレス用のアイロンその他の電化製品の使用。
- 放歌高吟等の喧騒行為、異臭放散その他第三者に嫌悪感や迷惑を及ぼしたりする行為。
- 次に定める物品の持ち込み。
- 動物、鳥類等(盲導犬等を除く。)
- 覚醒剤、麻薬類等、法令により所持を禁止されている薬品類
- 発火又は引火しやすい火薬や揮発油類及び身体に害を及ぼす危険性のある薬品
- 許可証のない銃砲、刀剣類及びこれらの類似品
- 著しく多量もしくは重量のある物品
- 悪臭を発するもの
- ごみ及び客室の衛生を妨げる物品
- 当施設内での使用を目的とした電化製品及び調理器具等の物品
- その他当施設が客室への持込みを禁ずる物品
- 公序良俗に反する行為。
- 他のお客様にチラシ、ビラその他の広告物を配布する行為。
- 施設内の諸設備及び諸物品の移動、加工、持ち出し、及び本来の用途以外の目的での使用。
- 客室以外の場所での所持品の放置。
- 客用以外の施設への立ち入り。(緊急事態又はやむを得ない事情のある場合を除く。)
- 当施設が許可する施設以外から飲食物等の出前を取ること。
- 客室内浴場内及び大浴場内での染毛・漂白剤等の使用。
- 客室内でお香などを焚く行為。
- 営利を目的とした活動。
- その他当施設内での安全及び衛生の妨げとなる全ての行為。
Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contract
Article 1: Scope of Application
The accommodation contract concluded between the facility and the guest, as well as related contracts, shall be governed by these terms and the terms set forth in the integrated usage agreement. Matters not specified in these terms or the integrated usage agreement shall be governed by Japanese laws or generally established customs in Japan. In the event that the facility agrees to special arrangements within the scope not conflicting with Japanese laws and customs, such special arrangements shall take precedence over the provisions of the preceding paragraph. The facility reserves the right to apply different terms and conditions to products sold by travel agencies (including online travel agencies), campaigns, and promotions.
Article 2: Application for Accommodation Contract
Those intending to apply for an accommodation contract at the facility shall provide the following details to the kamui niseko:
- Guest name
- Accommodation date
- Expected arrival time
- Number of guests
- Age of the guest
- Room type
- Guest's contact information
- Other details deemed necessary by the facility
If there are changes to the information provided based on the preceding paragraph, the facility should be promptly notified of the revised details.
- Changes include but are not limited to name, number of guests, accommodation date, length of stay, package upgrades, downgrades, and additional items.
- Upgrades and downgrades of accommodation reservations are considered changes.
- The facility reserves the right to upgrade or change accommodation to one of similar standards.
- If a guest requests a change, the facility will treat it as a new accommodation contract application at the time the request is made. If changes are made on a date subject to cancellation fees, it will be considered a cancellation, and cancellation policies will take precedence.
Article 3: Conclusion of Accommodation Contract, etc.
The accommodation contract shall be deemed concluded when the facility accepts the application mentioned in the preceding article and the application fee specified in the next article has been paid. However, this is not applicable if the facility can prove non-acceptance. If the payment of the application fee mentioned in the next paragraph is not required, the accommodation contract shall be deemed concluded when the facility accepts the application mentioned in the preceding article and a reservation confirmation is issued.
When the accommodation contract is deemed concluded according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest shall pay the application fee specified in the next article to the facility by the date specified by the facility.
The application fee shall be first applied to the accommodation fee that the guest is ultimately required to pay, and in the event of circumstances falling under the provisions of Article 6, Article 7, or Article 11, it shall be applied in the order of penalty, followed by compensation, and any remaining balance shall be refunded when making payment in accordance with the provisions of Article 14. If the guest does not pay the application fee specified by the facility by the date specified in the same paragraph, the accommodation contract shall lose its effect. However, this only applies if the facility has notified the guest of the payment due date.
Article 4: Application Fee
The application fee and accommodation fee to be paid by the guest shall be as follows unless otherwise specified in the accommodation plan:
1. | Summer Accommodation Contract (April 1 to November 30) |
1.1. | Reservations for 1 to 7 nights and up to 1 room: |
1.1.1 | The full accommodation fee shall be paid at check-in. No application fee is required. The issuance of the reservation confirmation shall confirm the reservation. |
1.2. | Reservations for 8 nights or more or 2 rooms or more: |
1.2.1. | Reservations up to 30 days before arrival: | | Within 3 days of the reservation date, an amount equivalent to 50% of the accommodation fee shall be paid as the application fee. Payment of this application fee shall confirm the reservation. | | The remaining balance of the accommodation fee, after deducting the paid application fee, shall be paid by 14 days before the arrival date. |
1.2.2. | Reservations 14 days before arrival or later: | | The full accommodation fee shall be paid at the time of reservation. This payment shall confirm the reservation. |
2. | Winter Accommodation Contract (December 1 to March 31) |
2.1. |
The full accommodation fee shall be paid at the time of reservation or check-in. The issuance of the reservation confirmation shall confirm the reservation. Even if reservations are made separately for the accommodation period under the same name, the provisions of the above shall apply to the total number of stays. In some cases, a credit card payment of the application fee may be required at the time of reservation. The amount shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. If the payments specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 are not made by the respective due dates, the accommodation contract shall be deemed canceled by the guest. All fees shall be paid in Japanese yen. The amounts displayed in other currencies are approximate, and the amount will be finalized by the credit card company at the time of settlement. The facility shall not be responsible for exchange rate differences between Japanese yen and other currencies. Payment of accommodation fees shall be made by credit card only. Unless otherwise specified, various taxes, including accommodation tax, are not included in the accommodation fee. The amount and tax rate of these various taxes may change without notice. Fees, accommodation plan contents, accommodation terms, and usage agreements may change or be terminated without notice. In the case of already made reservations, the terms at the time of reservation shall apply even if there are changes. |
Article 5: Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Contract
The facility may refuse to conclude an accommodation contract in the following cases:
- When the application for accommodation does not comply with these terms.
- When there is no availability of rooms due to full occupancy.
- When, due to the occurrence of disasters or other emergencies, it is realistically anticipated that rooms should be prioritized for victims, disaster recovery personnel, or similar reasons as mentioned in the preceding item.
- When the person seeking accommodation is recognized as a member or affiliate of a gangster, gangster-related organization, or other antisocial forces under the Anti-Gang Act and prefectural ordinances regarding the exclusion of gangsters.
- When there is a reasonable belief that the person seeking accommodation may engage in acts related to accommodation that violate laws, public order, or good morals.
- When the person seeking accommodation is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease.
- When a significant burden beyond socially acceptable limits is requested in relation to accommodation services or other obligations.
- When accommodation cannot be provided due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable reasons.
- When the person seeking accommodation is intoxicated or for other reasons may cause inconvenience to other guests or hinder the operation of the facility, or when the person engages in behavior that causes significant annoyance to other guests or employees of the facility.
- When the person seeking accommodation is clearly in a state of physical or mental distress.
- When only minors without the permission of a guardian are to stay.
- When the application for accommodation is made with the purpose of transferring the right to stay to another.
- When the application for accommodation is made despite the lack of actual intention to stay.
- When otherwise applicable under various laws or prefectural ordinances.
Article 6: Guest's Right to Terminate the Contract**
Guests have the right to terminate the accommodation contract by notifying the facility. Termination of the accommodation contract includes changes to the accommodation facility, unit, room type, check-in date, and check-out date. In cases where guests terminate all or part of the accommodation contract due to reasons attributable to them (excluding cases where the facility has specified the payment deadline for the application fee in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 2, and the guest canceled the accommodation contract before that payment), the facility will charge a cancellation fee (cancellation fee) as listed in Schedule 2. If there is no contact from the guest, and the guest does not arrive by the expected arrival time, the facility may treat the accommodation contract as canceled by the guest.
Article 7: Facility's Right to Terminate the Contract**
The facility may terminate the accommodation contract in the following cases:
- When the guest is a member or affiliate of organized crime groups (yakuza) or other antisocial forces, as defined by laws related to the prevention of unreasonable acts by organized crime groups and prefectural ordinances regarding the exclusion of organized crime groups.
- When the guest engages in violent acts, threats, extortion, unjust demands, gambling, possession or use of firearms, knives, or other prohibited items, or other acts that violate laws, public order, or good morals within the facility, or is likely to engage in such acts.
- When it is clearly recognized that the guest is infected with a contagious disease.
- When an unreasonable burden is requested regarding services or other obligations beyond the socially acceptable scope concerning accommodation.
- When it is impossible to accommodate the guest due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable reasons.
- When the guest engages in smoking inside the facility, pranks or actions that interfere with fire prevention and firefighting equipment, causing a disturbance.
- When the guest attempts to transfer the right to stay or has already transferred it.
- When the accommodation contract is made through a travel agency, and confirmation of payment of the accommodation fee from the travel agency is not received.
- When there is a violation of these terms or the facility's terms of use.
- When applicable under various laws or ordinances of prefectures.
Notification of termination based on the preceding paragraph shall be made by telephone, email, or in writing to the contact information provided by the guest in accordance with Article 2. If the notification does not reach the contact provided by the guest despite attempts, it will be considered delivered after the normally expected period has elapsed. When the facility terminates the accommodation contract based on the provisions of the first two paragraphs, refunds of accommodation fees are not possible, except for cases under the first paragraph (3) and (5).
Article 8: Guest Registration
- On the day of accommodation, guests are required to register the following information at the facility's front desk:
◎Guest's name, age, gender, address, and occupation.
For foreign guests:
◎Nationality, passport number, copy of the passport, previous place of stay, subsequent place of stay, valid credit card, departure date, and departure time. Other information deemed necessary by the facility. - When using the facility, guests are required to provide details of a credit card for payment guarantee at the time of check-in. Check-in to the room cannot be completed until the details of the credit card for the payment of the guarantee are provided and approved.
Article 9: Use Hours of Guest Rooms
Guests can use the facility's rooms from check-in at 3:00 PM to check-out at 10:00 AM on the following day. For consecutive stays, excluding arrival and departure dates, rooms can be used throughout the day. However, this does not apply if there is a room change. If guests do not check out by the check-out time, a specified late check-out fee will be charged. Despite the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the facility may respond to the use of rooms beyond the hours specified, and, in such cases, additional charges as determined by the facility will apply. Despite the ability of guests to use the room within the hours specified in the previous three paragraphs, the facility may enter the room and take necessary measures for safety, hygiene management, and other operational management needs.
Article 10: Room Cleaning
As a general rule, cleaning and linen replacement during the stay will not be performed. If a guest stays in the same room for five consecutive nights or more, garbage will be collected on the third day of the stay, and subsequently every three days. Additional cleaning outside this cycle is available for an additional fee. The facility may perform room cleaning at any time deemed necessary, even outside the cleaning cycle specified in the previous paragraph. Guests cannot refuse the room cleaning specified in the preceding paragraph.
Article 11: Guest's Responsibility
The guest will compensate the facility for damages incurred due to the guest's actions that violate this agreement or terms of use, as well as other reasons attributable to the guest, including cleaning and repair costs of the room, loss of sales opportunities, and other damages. When using the facility, guests provide information on a usable credit card as a guarantee. If a claim is made by the facility, the guest agrees to payment using the registered credit card in accordance with the provisions.
Article 12: Compliance with Terms of Use
Guests must adhere to the terms of use established by the facility during their stay at the facility.
Article 13: Operating Hours
The main operating hours of various facilities in this establishment will be provided in the kamui niseko's in-room brochure, posted notices throughout the premises, and the service directory in guest rooms. The operating hours of the facilities may be temporarily changed, if necessary, in which case, appropriate notice will be given.
Article 14: Payment of Fees
The breakdown and calculation method of accommodation fees and other charges payable by guests are specified in Appendix 1. Payment of the accommodation fees and related charges shall be made by the guest using an available credit card upon arrival or when requested by the establishment. Even if the guest, after the room becomes available for use, chooses not to stay, the accommodation fees will still be charged, regardless of the guest's responsibility.
Article 15: Handling of Inability to Provide Contracted Rooms
In the event that this establishment cannot provide the guest with the contracted room, the establishment will, with the guest's consent, attempt to arrange alternative accommodation under similar conditions. If the establishment is unable to arrange alternative accommodation, compensation equivalent to the cancellation fee specified in Appendix 2 will be paid to the guest. However, if the inability to provide the room is not due to the fault of the establishment, no compensation will be paid.
Article 16: Handling of Deposited Items
- Baggage should be stored in the guest room. Each room is equipped with a safe.
- The establishment is not responsible for items, valuables, or cash brought in by guests. Valuables should be stored in the safe in the guest room.
- If items or cash deposited by guests at the front desk before check-in or after check-out are lost, damaged, etc., the establishment will compensate for the damage, unless there is no cause attributable to the establishment's fault. However, for cash and valuables, if the establishment has requested information on their type and value and the guest has not provided it, the establishment will not be liable for compensation.
Article 17: Storage of Guests' Baggage or Personal Items
If a guest's baggage arrives at the establishment before the guest's arrival, and the establishment is notified and understands the situation, the establishment will be responsible for storing it and delivering it to the guest at check-in. However, storage of baggage is limited to two days before and after the check-in date. Certain items, including cash, valuables, perishables, living organisms, and items emitting unusual sounds or odors, cannot be included in advance arrival baggage.
If a guest leaves behind baggage or personal items after checking out, the establishment will generally store them for seven days, including the discovery date. If there is no request for return during this period, the establishment may dispose of the items in accordance with Japanese law.
Additionally, food and beverages, magazines, and other waste items, as determined by the establishment, will be disposed of by the establishment after check-out.
Article 18: No Smoking
The entire property, including balconies and terraces, is non-smoking. (There is no roof in the outdoor smoking area.) In the event that smoking (cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, etc.) by guests or their companions is discovered inside the facility or on balconies, terraces, and warnings to stop smoking have been ignored, the guest and their companions may be asked to leave, and no refund will be provided. In case of smoking inside the room by guests or their companions, additional cleaning fees will be charged. In addition, if additional room preparation or alternative rooms are required due to the smell, charges may be applied according to Article 11.
Article 19: Establishment's Responsibility
The establishment will compensate guests for any damages caused to them due to the performance or non-performance of the accommodation contract and related contracts, provided that the cause is attributable to the establishment. The establishment has insurance to deal with fires and other emergencies.
Article 20: Parking Responsibility
When guests use the parking lot of this establishment, it is understood that the establishment provides parking space, and it does not assume responsibility for the storage of vehicles. However, if the establishment causes damage during parking lot management intentionally or negligently, it will be responsible for compensation.
Article 21: Travel Insurance and Guest's Obligations
This establishment operates only within Japan. All services are provided based on Japanese law. While some services may be provided by agents, reservations are accepted in accordance with the rules of agents or this establishment.
According to the law, this establishment is not responsible for any loss, damage, delay, flight delays, indirect damages, injuries, or deaths unless it is attributable to the establishment's fault. Guests are strongly recommended to take out appropriate travel insurance to cover unforeseen events that may occur after confirmation of the reservation. When using this establishment, it is considered that guests have agreed to bear such risks themselves.
Article 22 Amendment of the Terms
These terms may be revised at any time as deemed necessary. In the event of a revision, the facility shall post the content and effective date of the revised terms on its website or in the guest rooms.
Appendix 1 Breakdown of Accommodation Charges, etc.
(Related to Article 2, Paragraph 1, and Article 15, Paragraph 1)
Total Amount to be Paid by Guests
Accommodation Charges: Basic Accommodation Charges + Consumption Tax + Accommodation Tax specified by Niseko Town
Additional Charges: Other Usage Charges + Consumption Tax
Appendix 2 Penalty for Breach (Cancellation Fee)
Provisions for the period between December 1 and March 31 (winter season)
Cancellation 15 days or more before check-in: Full refund
Cancellation within 14 days of check-in: 100% of accommodation fee
Provisions for the period between April 1 and November 30 (summer season)
Cancellation 8 days before check-in: Full refund
Cancellation within 3-7 days of check-in: 50% of accommodation fee
Cancellation within 2 days to the day of check-in: 100% of accommodation fee
*Cancellation, refund conversion rates, and fees may vary depending on the credit card company or bank. In the case of a refund, transfer fees will be borne by the customer.
[Special Terms]
Even if the above penalty (cancellation fee) is applicable, the penalty (cancellation fee) may be exempted if the following conditions are met:
- At any time between the check-in and check-out dates, there is official documentation (such as an airline notification) proving that travel to Japan is impossible due to the closure of borders or the spread of COVID-19 or infectious diseases.
- For the winter season (December 1 to March 31), if a cancellation is made 30 days before the check-in date for the reasons mentioned in 1.
- For the summer season (April 1 to November 30), if a cancellation is made 5 days before the check-in date for the reasons mentioned in 1.
- Cancellations other than those mentioned above are not covered by special terms. The facility strongly recommends that all guests take out travel insurance, and the facility assumes no responsibility for cancellations due to reasons other than those mentioned above.
Terms of Use: the kamui niseko (2023.9.1)
The facility has established the following rules to ensure the safe and comfortable use of the facility by guests and to maintain the public nature of the accommodation facility. In the event of a violation of these rules, the accommodation contract may be terminated in accordance with Article 7 of the Accommodation Agreement.
Additional Charges for Use of Rooms Outside Normal Hours
Check-in at the facility is from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and check-out is at 10:00 AM.
Additional charges based on Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Accommodation Agreement are as follows. However, late check-out may not be possible depending on room availability.
- Until 12:00 PM: 20% of room rate
- After 12:00 PM: 100% of room rate
Pre-Extension Fee (Use before check-in time)
Before 3:00 PM: 100% of room rate
Number of Guests in Rooms
The use of rooms beyond the specified number by the facility is generally prohibited. If the use exceeds the contracted number without notice, the excess usage will be billed.
Accommodation with pets is not allowed. The use of guide dogs, assistance dogs, and hearing dogs will be accommodated in accordance with the Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons.
Please Park your car in the designated parking area. There are limitations on the number of parking spaces. Street parking around the property is illegal and may result in towing, so please refrain from it. The use of parking by guests is generally allowed from check-in to check-out time as determined by the facility. Car washing on the premises is generally prohibited.
Loss of Room Key
In case of loss of the room key, a fee of 2,000 yen for card key reissue will be charged.
Prohibited Acts in Guest Rooms
The following acts within guest rooms are strictly prohibited:
- Use not for the purpose of accommodation.
- Affixing photos, posters, or items that damage the appearance of the facility to windows, balconies, terraces, private gardens, etc.
- Use of fireworks, barbecues, or similar items that may cause fires on balconies, terraces, private gardens, etc.
The following activities are strictly prohibited in this facility.
- Use of heating, cooking appliances, and irons for pressing, etc., other than those provided by the facility.
- Noisy activities such as loud singing and offensive odors or actions that cause disgust or inconvenience to third parties.
- Bringing in items specified below:
- Animals, birds, etc. (excluding guide dogs, etc.)
- Drugs, narcotics, etc., prohibited by law
- Fireworks or volatile oils that are easily ignited or inflamed and dangerous substances harmful to the body
- Guns, firearms, swords, and similar items without a permit
- Items with significantly large quantity or weight
- Items emitting unpleasant odors
- Garbage and items that hinder room hygiene
- Items such as electrical appliances and cooking utensils intended for use in the facility
- Other items prohibited from being brought into the room by the facility
- Acts contrary to public order and morals.
- Distribution of flyers, leaflets, or other advertisements to other guests.
- Movement, processing, removal, and use for purposes other than the original purpose of various facilities and items within the facility.
- Leaving personal belongings in places other than guest rooms.
- Entry into facilities other than those permitted by the facility. (Except in emergencies or unavoidable circumstances.)
- Ordering food and drinks from facilities other than those permitted by the facility.
- Use of hair dye, bleach, etc. in baths and large baths within guest rooms.
- Burning incense, etc., in guest rooms.
- Profit-oriented activities.
- All acts that hinder safety and hygiene within the facility.